Here are the Canadian aviation rego search results for 'C-GXRF'.
The aircraft registration database was last refreshed from the Canadian Civil Aircraft Register (CCAR) on 03/Sep/2024
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No | |
30 Jan 2020 | |
Air Andrew Ltd. | |
Manufactured | |
1977 | |
U.S.A. | |
0 | |
1043 Kgs |
1 | |
Piston | |
No |
Registered | |
Commercial | |
Aeroplane | |
Continuing Registration | |
3A12 | |
CAR Standard 507.02, 507.03 - Type Certificate | |
No | |
30 Jan 2020 | |
30 Jan 2020 | |
Certificate of Airworthiness | |
Virden | |
Edmonton | |
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