RegoSearch Frequently Asked Questions
Below is a collection of the questions we are asked the most
Uploading Aircraft Photos!
When you are on an aircraft details page, if you are a member you can upload photo's.
When you choose a file to upload, make sure you add a comment about the photo to let people know something about it. If the photo uploaded contains GPS data the map will show the location the photo was taken, you can modify this location in your user account by going to "My Photo's". On this page you have the choice of editing the comment, deleting the photo and comment, or changing the GPS location. If you change the location you will be shown a map, simply drag the map until the centre crosshair is where you want it, and click "Update Photo With This Location".
Copyright - as a member you can choose to display copyright information on your photo uploads, simply choose to do so in your account management page, and select if you want your actual name or you nickname to be displayed.
Uploading Photo's from a Mobile Device
Smart Phones and tablets work great with RegoSearch, especially when you can upload a photo straight from the camera on you device. When you select Choose File, your mobile device will ask if you want to select a file or use the camera if fitted. The browser will use your GPS location to add to the file, however you will be given a choice to use location or not.
Use your account My Photo's page to edit the location if you need to, as described above.
Twitter Feed
Member accounts now contain a field to enter your Twitter handle if you wish. When you upload a photo or make a comment RegoSearch will tweet about it and mention you if your Twitter Handle is available.
RegoSearch can be followed on Twitter - @RegoSearch
Why is the aircraft data incorrect?
RegoSearch uses data supplied by the regulatory bodies that control the aircraft registrations, such as the FAA, CAA, CASA etc.
If the data on RegoSearch is incorrect, it means the data that the regulatory body holds is incorrect.
If you are the aircraft owner and some information is not quite right, you need to send the correction to the regulatory agency, RegoSearch will get this new information once they update their database.
I own the aircraft and my personal information is on display!
We use data directly from the regulatory agencies, their own websites make this data available to the public. It can also be found on many other websites all over the world. We will restrict some information to members only, however RegoSearch is one site among many that hold this data. Another way to help, is by registering a PO Box as your address, if your agency will accept it of course.
How do i Use RegoSearch?
If you know your aircraft registration number use the basic search, for a more detailed investigation, go for the advanced search, you will be surprised at how fast and easy it is to find what you're looking for. We believe we have the best functioning aircraft registration search of any website, our FAA database holds all de-registered FAA N number details. If you search the FAA N number registry and the aircraft has been deregistered you will see the last listed aircraft details for your search.
Choose the country you wish to search from the drop down box in the search bar, no need to enter the aircraft registration pre-fix such as the N or the VH- as RegoSearch will handle that for you.
Try the "Browse By" search on the right sidebar of the home page, it is a fast and easy way to see what aircraft manufactures exist in each country, all the aircraft models are then listed, finally the list of aircraft registrations for each model.
On each details page, if available you can click the owner or operator link to list all aircraft owned or operated by the selected entry.
Become a member and leave comments for each aircraft, and soon your photo's can be uploaded as well.
Enjoy searching and thank you for using RegoSearch.